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Am I Pregnant?

Am I Pregnant?

Your body has special signs that show up to let you know when you're in the early stages of pregnancy. If you've had unprotected sex and your period is late, you might be having symptoms of early pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

Even though every pregnancy and woman is unique, here are some common thoughts you might be having:


  • Have I missed my period?
  • I feel like vomiting.
  • My breasts feel tender.
  • I'm getting up to urinate more than usual.
  • I feel low energy. 
  • I wonder why I’m so moody.


If you’re reading this, it’s likely you’ve noticed some signals from your body that have your brain asking, “Am I pregnant?”


You could still be pregnant even if you believe you've had your period. Sometimes, you might have "implantation bleeding," causing light spotting, but it's not the same as a regular period.


How to Find Out if You’re Pregnant

Whether you're noticing any of these signs or simply had sex recently without using birth control, we have helped many women facing the same questions. 


Pregnancy Test

To find out if you're pregnant, the first step is to take a lab-grade pregnancy test. These tests are usually over 99% accurate in detecting hormone levels linked to pregnancy. 


As a non-profit organization, we provide free, confidential pregnancy tests. Those who qualify may also get a non-diagnostic ultrasound at their next appointment to verify the age of the pregnancy.



Having an ultrasound not only confirms whether or not you are pregnant but can also confirm the health of the fetus. Additionally, the ultrasound can measure the fetus to determine the approximate date of conception.


Online Pregnancy Help

If you need help confirming your pregnancy, getting a free test, or even an ultrasound, Alpha Pregnancy Center is here to help.

Simply send a text to (336)-901-3918 and get a real certified nurse to answer your questions and walk you through your options.

Searching for Answers?

We’re available to help on your own terms. Support is available through text, call, or in-person at our facility. All with your anonymity preserved.


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